
Posts Tagged ‘hunt’

Zombie Popcorn Hunt

April 14, 2010 Leave a comment

Because I can’t resist anything zombie related, ManCandy is participating in the Zombie Popcorn Hunt, April 15th-May 2nd.

What can you expect from ManCandy? A sexy new Hipster Suit with plaid vest, prim collar, plaid pants and a striped sweater. Each piece is offered on several layers for ease of mix and match for those who aren’t bold enough to mix stripes and plaids (which is probably most people who aren’t me or Theodore–and even Theodore thinks I’m a little over the top.)

Here comes the ZombiePopcorn Hunt sponsored by on April 15th-May 2nd.

The Kick-Off Event is to be held on April 15 at the Urbanity Sim from 1-3 PM SLT featuring DJ Booch Capelo, resident DJ at Dance4Life & Choon Lounge.

Then the hunt is on! You are searching for the one of a kind ZombiePopcorn Doll in his Red/White striped popcorn bag. For more information stop by the ZombiePopcorn HQ and tap the Hunt Joiner.

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Make Him Over Hunt June 1-30

Hell yeah we’re participating! NachtMusik is pleased to present a special outfit and spanking (spankable?) new shape as part of the hunt.


The corset and pants have not officially been released in any packages yet, so they’re exclusive at least for the moment. The shape is Theodore’s creation and is named Ari after my favorite NPR reporter who Theo just happens to personally resemble. Not that that’s pertinent in any way to the hunt, I just like to brag.

The hunt officially starts in MADesigns, but it’s circular so you can start pretty much anywhere in the chain, including our humble NachtMusik. We’re so thrilled to be a part of this, really. It’s our first hunt and we’re terribly excited! 

Make Him Over

Now a bit of cut and paste from the Make Him Over site for your reading pleasure and convenience:

Make Him Over Hunt is Second Life’s first male only hunt. We have over 150 participating designers of men’s fashion and accessories that will provide you with abundance of quality free items to choose from.

Gifts are placed in male symbol object and hidden within each participating store.

Gifts are accompanied with LM to your next location. Use LM to visit next designer and claim your free gift.